0x00: Origin of name

Question: Why it named k8z by your?

Anser: The name k8z is inspired by healthz/livez/readyz etc. k8z is shortly of kubernetez, this is shorter and easier to remember.

It historically comes from Google’s internal practices. They’re called “z-pages”.

The reason it ends with z is to reduce collisions with actual application endpoints with the same name (like /status). See this talk for more: https://vimeo.com/173610242

Similar endpoints (at least inside Google) are /varz, /statusz, /rpcz. Services developed at Google automatically get these endpoints to export their health and metrics and there are tools that collect the exposed metrics/statuses from all the deployed services.

Open source tools like Prometheus implement this pattern (since original authors of Prometheus are also ex-Googlers) by coming to a well-known endpoint to collect metrics from your application. Similarly OpenCensus allows you to expose z-pages from your app (ideally on a different port) to diagnose problems.

0x01: About credentials safe

Question: How to keep security of your k8s cluster’s access credentials (kubeconfig)?

Anser: Our application, being open source, invites everyone to examine its inner workings, including its handling of API credentials. This transparency ensures that there are no hidden functions that compromise the security. You can get source code from our GitHub repository, k8z source code @ github .

Last updated 13 May 2024, 00:03 +0800 . history